Monday, August 08, 2005

Recent events ...

I was scheduled for a vigil with an old fellow who was dying from prostate cancer.
But he died before I got there. How sad.
His wife is old and sick and battling her own cancers and couldn't be there.
Had been there but was so tired, she had to leave.
I think he waited for her to leave so she wouldn't see him die.

My other patient is an old man I go see on Thursdays.
He isn't actively dying, but is a tad disoriented now and then - Alzheimer's.
Can't take care of himself and has major heart issues which will get him eventually.
Sooner than later, I fear.

I went to see him this past Thursday but he was sleeping and on a full compliment of oxygen.
He had always been up and in his wheelchair waiting for me - waiting to chat and go outside and eat whatever treat I'd brought him. He likes candy.

I didn't wake him. But I left him a note. And a treat on his wheelchair - candy.
So he'd know I was there.


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